The third technique I wanted to try for my paper textures was weaving.  When I initially started playing around with my papers, just to get in the right frame of mind I had made a simple woven piece with an old cereal box I was pleased with the diagonal lines that I achieved but it was quite flat, and I wanted to achieve more of a substantial texture.

As you can see, with the cardboard and paper you get a much flatter texture, but once I started using tissue paper and twisting, it instantly gave the weaves depth.  They also have a much stronger consistancy, so will be great for stitching onto.

I haven’t included all of my paper manipulations on here but I now have a total of 14 so I’m going to go onto the next stage and start stitching! It will certainly be interesting and no doubt challenging trying to combat the different thickness and textures of the cards and papers, but I’m really excited to see what happens!